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About control buttons
Control buttons set numeric values on other fields. You can use these buttons to issue one command or a series of commands in a multiple step progression. In the case of multiple steps, a control button can cycle through each step in a continuous loop or dead end at the final step.
A control button acts like a series of stacked virtual buttons. When a user clicks the button, the button appearance and functionality changes. This lets you guide users through a series of steps without having to display buttons for each of these steps side by side on the form. For example, the button could first say Submit to send a message. The message recipient might then see a button that says Approve.
Control button when drawn:
Control button when complete:
Because this example shows the relationship of the button states to the associated numeric field, the button is shown multiple times. In a real situation, there would only be one button visible, with changing states.

Adding control buttons
1       Choose Fields > Buttons & Groups > Control Button.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Update the following fields on the Contents tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

The button name that you want to first appear on this button.
Makes the button text/icon cycle continuously through all the states you specify at "Button text and icon IDs" each time the button is clicked.
Icon ID
The resource ID of any icon that you want to first appear on this button.
Field ID
The ID of the field that you want this button to control. This must be a field that supports numeric values.
Button text and icon IDs
The list of possible button text/icon states, separated by semicolons (;). The format is
button text=icon ID
If you want the initial values to be accessible as part of the cycle, include them in this list.
List of values to set
Sets the field specified at "Field ID" to the numbers you list here. The order of the numbers coincides with the order of the button text/icon states (the first listed button state will result in the first listed number, and so on).
Separate the numbers with semicolons.

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